Two sides to every scale. Happy Libra season.
Oh come on. Get real. No really. Get really real. Any lie or falsehood or fake lashes aren’t going to hold up this week. Nope. It wouldn’t surprise me if your extensions fell out at the worst time. Any cover up at all is going to fall apart—-even the innocent exaggerations. SO just tell the truth. Your life is bigger and groovier than you think anyway. Also, remember, you may slip when lying about someone’s new haircut so ssshhhh….
I’m loving all of this energy around you right now. You’re going to be wallowing (hear me with the WALLOWING) in the stuff that you know you’re good at. What’s the big deal? CONFIDENCE BABY. All the things you love to do have opportunity this week to get a lot of accolades. Use this to your advantage. Be strategic with the love coming at you.
If you’re into things like numbers and sacred geometry and land masses that hold answers and birds that signify something (hola cardinal) now is the time to make plans for travel, shifts and how you want to see your future. This could mean something as small as reorganizing your closet but lets feel big and bold and active.
You do love drama. Let’s get real. If you don’t see it, you may poke and poke until it starts. This week it may bite you on the ass. Get out of your shell, yes….but keep to the sidelines. Watch. Don’t take the bait. On a good note, it’s a great time to ask forgiveness since your emotional IQ is stark naked and riding on high.
It’s money time, gorgeous. It’s time for counting it and asking for it and paying it off and giving it and getting it. It’s all about knowing you will actually get it if you feel your feet on the earth. Is this abundance? Not really. It’s energetically demanding it all. Now that I know you’re good at.
Ooooh-wee! It is a wild wild time for you. I know you’re all used to being thought of as tightly wound and knowing everything but no one knows how to let the air out of the balloon like you. You are actually not the party girl of the zodiac but the the originial rock star of all twelve of the signs. This is your week. The zeal of Virgo with the detachment of Libra season.
hey hey hey, it’s your time! Cash in all the favors, get your money back, apply for the grants, ask about that scholarship. Make sure you get the swag bag on the way out. Get all the free things. Funny enough if you’re thinking about getting a new piercing, now is the time.
A new girlfriend? A new someone to snog? Yup, you’re in luck. Strange intimate partnerships are at hand. This can take many shapes: a new soul connection in group therapy, a work husband, a kindred spirit for the moment at the nail salon or even a new bff. Your ethereal ways are primed for small moments. The kind that make life worth the ride.
Oh how the melancholy sit in the trenches of life. I know that’s not you right now but it could be. Don’t hide behind the Sag branding. Especially not this week. Let yourself FEEL THE FEELINGS. Have the experience. Don’t shut your own heart/opinions/pains out and then come out of the fog next week and get so internally embarrassed you over compensate. I’m just sayin’.
If you’re feeling more emotionally attuned to the news of the hurricane this week, no surprise there. You are all keyed in to storms, tumult and ragers of all kinds. It’s not you, it’s the natural disaster. Don’t blame anything you do on it AND don’t deny your magical connection to mindblowing energy.
It’s nap time. Or rest hour. Or tea time as in sleepy time tea. This is the week to keep your center and your emotional homeostasis calm. Actually….tuned out. There’s a robust, wildly interesting time coming up and you need to shut it all down to be able to meet it where it lives.
My sweet fish, it’s time to be the whale. Big emotional moves in work and business and life. Take up space. Get all the little soldier pieces out on the conference table and start building your empire. There’s a learning curve that’s about to end and it’s time to dig your flag into the terrain.
Thanks for coming to my astrological tedtalk. See you next week!