You’re getting me from Paris today. Just got in. Jet lag runs me ragged and after my first bit of stinky cheese, I feel for the first time in 38 years, nostalgic for the time I was here as a young cook. So poorly treated and over worked. The story in my head was more bad than good and it still is because it was but I also am reminded that the love that got me to cook nonstop for 30 years with goals and ambition started here.
Paris is also spooky and full of occult. It is vampirism and dark shadows and women who don’t care. There’s a Persian tarot deck I plan on purchasing for a friend here and to say I’m excited to track it down is an understatement.
This new year I decided to dedicate myself to a book I’ve been trying to write for years. I’ve signed up for a workshop. I intend on going through the long lost files of my laptop for the stories I’ve written that I will now be embarrassed to read. I remember years ago bringing my daughter to Rome and commenting to a friend that when she went away to college I would do what I could to move there and write the dang thing.
It makes me angry to think that we have to reserve time to do our creative endeavors. This should be a given for life. We are creative beings every last one of us——how did we get to this point of privilege in all things creative. It’s embarrassing. So I’ll be working and writing and turning myself and my psychic whiles inside out. See you on the other side of that mayhem.
speaking of, I’m teaching a class and I’d really life for you to join.
It’s online. It’s called Psychic Level Intuition. It’s for everybody. The spiritual vets, the people lurking in the shadows, the artists, the healthcare workers, the wellness professionals, the lawyers, the weirdos. Everybody.
We work on psychic ability (had by every person ever) on the platform of ethics, confidence, resistance and bias. It’s community driven.
It’s on Zoom. A two day class. Sunday February 2nd 4pm-8pm est and Monday February 3rd 7pm-10pm est. 7-8 hours of love and attention. $444.00
And, lovely people of the world, here are you horoscopes with a Tarot pull for good measure.
Card: Knight of Wands
Hello human of action! Person on the go! Drive and impulsive intent. Seems a given with Aries but this week could put hair on your chest and motor oil in your latte. It would be too trite to say you should use this to your advantage. Instead try to balance it out with overt mediations. Pillow talk. Long showers. Remember you are still energy in a body until you’re not.
Card: Two of Wands
Oy. My saucy control addict, be careful. This is about dominion (funny enough for my tarot experts, the word dominion came to be before the pull). Get shit done/complete projects/start projects/say the weird thing/have guts. BUT PLEASE DON’T HOLD ONTO ANY OUTCOME. Let it go. Reach deep into the inner abyss and find freedom and excitement for all things to come. Stop gritting your teeth.
Card: Nine of Swords
Hey kids! Yes, both of you! This is a week of inspiration and action. Please don’t sit on the idea of New Years Resolution—-this is actually a time of hibernation and mutual aid and community. The inspiration is about just getting out of your own way and treating yourself like a lost baby bat or possum or puppy or whatever and tend to you like you would them with your big gushy double heart. Your emotional intelligence is not what gets the twins in trouble so celebrate it’s tenderness.
Card: Two of Cups
You’ve got some explaining to do. Inner explanations. This week is actually about strength in relationships and where your passion lies—-most often one has little to do with the other and THAT’S OKAY. But tending to the things that you have gotten sloppy with need to be made good. Do you tend to fib a bit too much? Enough for the other person’s body to feel it? Clean that shit up. Are you kidding yourself about a thing or two? Can you make your life better? Go to it. You deserve real relationships, great sex and in some ways, a blank slate.
Card: Four of Swords
All that shit you went through this last year? You gotta recover. I’m concerned about you running for the stage, the spotlight where you’re comfortable without getting a breather. You are not your failures and chances are you’re projecting what failure is. Living and dealing is not a failure. Please repeat that to yourself on a loop for the next week.
Card: Knight of Cups
In a year of new relationships, change of life through love and possible horniness I’d like for you to start the year really understanding your emotions. Where do your responses come from? What shaped your needs? Your wants? Your interpretation of what is injustice? All this is a go-bag to grab when the love boat pulls into port. KNOW THYSELF. Understand what is golden and what is actually not okay. Love saves the day.
(Inspired by the Catacombs of Paris. It was referred to as “The Temple of Equality”. I’ve seem a catacomb or two and I have to say that you can feel when they are exclusive. This was home to everyone. Each area given a sign to explain who was there, where the group of people were from and how they perished. A lot of be said about how people care for their dead.)
Card: Queen of Wands
That crazy, contagious Libra energy! That’s what you got. This week it’s in excess. When everyone else is sitting in their sweats, you may be planning the next fête to get rid of your community’s winter doldrums. Your magnetism is what will help your people this week. Remind them why we breathe, what makes the blood boil. Be the creative inspiration. Start the meal train.
Card: Four of Pentacles
God, please stop protecting things that don’t need protecting. Nothing is out to get you. Nothing and no one is trying to take what you have worked for. Unless they are but only if someone is literally lurking in the shadows like you might. Look directly towards those who you know you trust to ground yourself. Too much time spent hoping someone will be on time, have the money or show up for you is making you feel shaky. You have solid people in your corner. Celebrate them.
Card: Ten of Swords
This morning I woke up and thought of you and I kept thinking “There’s an ending. I feel heavy.” As I sit here channelling this is a time of grief. I’d like to clarify that I don’t think it has to be something happening now. I think the possibility of something that happened a while ago but now your subconscious and your body can deal with it. So it’s here now. This is the plight of the human. The where and when don’t make sense. PLEASE KEEP THIS IN MIND: this is a good thing. It’s a purge. It’s an enlightenment on a cellular level.
Card: Eight of Swords
If there is one iota of self pity, assumed confinement or insistance that there’s a wall in your way, get rid of it. Nope. No. I don’t want to hear it. If you’re going to try to convince me otherwise, take a moment and go shopping or take a shower or fold a fitted sheet. The feel will pass. This is a time of both constriction and constantly changing views. Roll with it.
Card: Seven of Pentacles
You know what I love about you waterbearers? You truly work on yourself. Your style. Your learning curve is high and nuanced. So I’m just here to remind you—-even when you’re tired, it’s an ongoing job to have. You definitely reap what you sew like no other and then move forward. Just remember to tend the garden. Also, more music in your life please. Play more tunes in your home. You know how you love it.
Card: Ace of Wands
There is so much potential for grown, Pisces, if only you didn’t sit in that angst of the two fish. One swimming up to the greater good and the other devil on your shoulder tempting you with the lowest of low. You don’t have to choose. You can be who and what you need. The inner strife is exhausting and right now IT’S REALLY OKAY TO BE SHALLOW AND WEAR THE JEANS THAT MAKE YOUR ASS LOOK GREAT AND WATCH THAT DAMN BAD MOVIE FOR THE 78TH TIME.
Thank you all for coming to my astrological TedTalk. See you next week!