Card: Queen of Swords
When you’re not holding up your end of the “I’ll be the drama queen” deal, you’re also a bit chilly and organized when needed. Stealth in business. Keen with money when you don’t get in your own way. Use your sharp edges this week. Get ready, be prepared. Take care of loose ends like they’re nothing. It’s a master of industry week.
Card: Judgement
Oh Taurus, this is a time of rebirth and recreation. Remember, you are who you are right now….not who you were years ago or even yesterday. Forgive yourself this week, you’ll need the strength and clarity of the adult who has been through life and learned. Sit on your creativity and self kindness.
Card: Four of Swords
If you’re feeling a bit knocked around and ready for a break, I’m not surprised. This week is about finally getting to take a deep breath. Then rejoin what you’ve started. It’s one part shaking it off and one part forgiving yourself..and oh yeah—-one part showing your sharp edges again. The shiny fancy kind.
Card: Knight of Cups
Romantic opportunities? Maybe but really it’s time to reconsider your romantic learning curve. Are you romantic to yourself? Are you looking at past issues with softness and rose colored glasses? I hope so. Remember, your shell and claws get in the way of real intimacy. Get ready, the romance roosters are getting ready to roost.
Card: The Hermit
Oh the journey inward. It can get a bit muddy especially this week. So take time. No really. Take time. And again for the lions in the back TAKE TIME. Preen your gorgeous mane. Take baths. Remember what you know to be true. Also, get rid of that ex. You don’t need old emotional handrails.
Card: Six of Swords
If you’re planning travel this year, there’s a good chance the money will show up. If you plan more than one trip, twice the money will show. There’s a big push this week for the plans of the year to heal old wounds. Pay attention to the stuff that triggers you and figure out why. Go on the painful journey and let your life get bigger.
(This is eight hours of intuition work in the comfort of your own home. This class has supported artists, healthcare workers, wellness professionals, psychics and intuitives of all kinds. Absolutely everyone. I can’t wait to see you.)
Card: Six of Cups
Let’s not get delusional. Keep those feet planted in the here and now. You always know how to charm a room with your famous flirting and if you’ve felt a bit rusty in that department, look forward—not to the “good old days”. Also, money looms big this week in a good way. Be mindful and start saving. You’ll thank yourself next week.
Card: Four of Pentacles
YOU ARE SO PROTECTIVE OF SO MUCH. Careful. You can get stingy with emotions, opinions, love, gestures. Show the generous side of you this week. You need to see it most.
Card: The High Priestess
If you feel like Stevie Nicks twirling around with your shawls and hair, don’t be shy. This week is about not hiding. It’s about being brazen and proud of quirks. It’s also about remembering where you came from. That’s where you’ll find the tools you need this week.
Card: The Queen of Pentacles
Oh Capricorn how you can be tempted by folly and this week is no exception. You can be both grounded and indulgent. It’s a week of duality for you. Not your favorite situation but if you have a gemini in your life, watch how they navigate theirs—-even so much as enjoy it. Also, someone is coming back from the past. Indulge and enjoy, just don’t take it too seriously.
Card: The Knight of Swords
Brilliance! Illumination! Spectacle! Also, because you are what you are: possible boredom, not being impressed, an eye roll or two. No judgements because it can make way to laughter, inspiration and a much needed change of pace. Remember, a surprising accessory can make your day.
Card: The Three of Wands
Pisces! Oh this can be an exciting week if you can muster the energy for it. All your groovy thoughts and daydreams can come true this week with some spit and string. A real being scrappy moment. Write down the plans, make sketches AND make sure someone else is there to bear witness to this. Gather the people. It’s time to make it happen.
Thanks for coming to my astrological TedTalk. See you next week-ish!
xo H