How does your work accommodate how you want your life to work? Is it funding your joys? Does it create space for bigger, more glamorous plans? Are you happy? (big question, I’m aware) This week will bring up big questions about your happiness and the thing that takes up 60-90% of our time. Key thing is it will give you the seeds to plant to expand your life pretty quickly. Get excited. Make plans. Dress for the job you want.
You’re known to be prolific. Even as you love to languish and love and eat and be what the rest of us wish we were, you create enormous amounts of all things. I’m reminding you of this because you tend to put yourself down as well. This week is a wonderful week for showing off what you’re good at, Ferdinand. Money and riches can be made in smelling the flowers and lift up beauty. Mountains of it, actually. Wink, wink.
Most people think planning takes the spontaneity out of things. Bah! If you are anything you are spontaneous even when planning Why? Because your energy is about the Ta-Dah! factor and this week no matter how ho-hum you think you are being, things are going to surprise you. So take heed. Enjoy things matching your energy but do be kind to your nervous system. Imagine 2000 Geminis in a room. Yeah, it’s a lot of a lot but you’re kind of what the world needs right now.
The hardest thing about being such a homebody/nester like yourself is that a lot of people think you’re anti-change BUT ALAS YOU MOLT! Cancer, it’s time to get up to date on who you are, how you view yourself. You are the age you are now. You are the age you are now. You are the age you are now. Life will remind you of that and you can either knee-jerk the age that you felt weakest or be the rock you’ve become instead of hiding behind it. You are a master of camouflage too. Use that this week until you find your comfort. PS: this is an amazing week that will show up in near future moments as a turning point.
Bell Hooks. The inspiration for this week’s horoscopes. I’ve used my channeling along with the ancient technique of bibliomancy to support the horoscopes. The book I used was bell hooks-The Last Interview and Other Conversations with an introduction by Mikki Kendall
You are quite the master of your domain, dude/dudette/dudx but remember, we put who we are out there and often assume it’s “who we really are”. Of course, we are not that. You can never really know someone as we are always re-meeting ourselves. This week is ALL ABOUT THAT. Be kind to yourself and if you are feeling more publicly messy than usual, please find the humor in it. Image, that you beautifully embrace, is many things. Changes for you are afoot and this week you’ll be feeling the cracks in the veneer. And that’s good!
A lot of really trivial stuff might be pointed out to you this week. Annoying stuff. Nice start to a horoscope, right? Well, let it go. This week I ask you to lean into whatever rising sign/moon sign/stop sign that can help you not take it on. The physical ramifications are what I’m thinking during this week. Go get a massage, hang out with EASY, EASY people, get all loved up or whatever lets your blood pressure drop.
This week is all about some serious inner stuff. Namely gender, sexuality and perhaps distancing yourself from what you are most attached. In other words, LOOK AT YOURSELF AS JUST A HUMAN. Please do not lean into where you are “weak” since you’ve been just labeled that when you were most likely quite young and what did you know? You were just learning how to use a spoon. Be a person. And enjoy your personhood. Also, keep an eye on things like red tape, taxes and health care. It’s an administration kind of energy this week.
There’s going to be an unusually logical and thoughtful week for you. Tender, I’d say. Adulting, oh yes but a comfort in it that I think you’ll appreciate. Be mindful this week of your of your physical “weak spots”. The areas of your body that you know you might have issue with. If you haven’t had an issue with that old ankle thing you got, stretch it anyway or do those annoying PT exercises you used to do. There’s a vibration of bringing back old physical memories so make sure you know where the heating pad is.
Sag, I can’t wait for your spiritual memoir. Cuz you know it’s going to be like an old Lonely Planet travel guide. This week run with what you are that you love. What’s the favorite part of yourself? Throw that thing a block party. It may feel indulgent but trust me when I say it’s a remedy.
Run! Jump! Or chair dance if that’s what you can do. I want adrenaline and stretched facia and awakened capillaries. So much physical connection and how you look at the world is important this week. Work the legs and clear the brain. There are going to be a few small but important items this week on your plate and this kind of feel-good-ability will help you be the most witty, compassionate person you’ll need to be.
When all else fails, and it might, your anchor is love. Nope. Not being trite or twee or overly obvious but there will be whatever life hurdles this week and move toward who you KNOW loves you. Bring it back to basics. If it’s the right pair of pants that flatter or who to ask for advice, don’t do anything but go for the person/pants who you KNOW will give you grace and support.
Doodle. Collage. Dye your hair. Paint the garage wall teal and magenta. The visual and the bright all sit in your favored part of your nervous system this week. “But Heather I like taupe and early American Sears furniture” well then, I don’t know what to tell you but whatever makes your eyes pop with surprise about yourself, do that. Do what you are told you need to keep in check that is personal and delightful and yours.
Thank you for coming to my astrological TedTalk. See you next week!