It's time for Horoscopes. Buckle Up.
Another week. Another moment to let you know I think you're great, damn it.
Honestly, I wish I was you. You already move through the universe like you own the place. This week they may even offer you the lease-to-buy deal. Thing is, the mastery is subtle. You need to be quiet to see/hear/feel, even smell, the signs. Be quiet in all things business this week. Not in relationships though. Stay loud.
Move that body. Try to fly. Feel good and active if at all possible. If you can’t, or don’t want to, activate the mind. Make your space, world, imagination BIGGER. This week it’s all about BIG but not “willing it to happen”—-it’s all making it happen beautifully.
Refrain. Refrain from anything nasty. Cuz this week you want to be that. Nasty. Not the fun one but perhaps the vindictive one. I’m not saying you don’t have reason. You have plenty of good reason but count to ten or breath or take a shot of something. There’s some interesting energy stirring up in you this week. Make sure you have control of it. It can be to your advantage.
Think of where you sit in the world and how you can make it better. Not just inside your shell but the world at large. There’s a tendency to be an old fogey in that shell but really you’re just the inner teenager having fun in their room with the music playing. Bring that happiness into the world. Improve things for community.
Hiiii! You are SO Leo right now! Mane blowing in the wind, paws soaking in the Palmolive. I’m not going to tell you to do anything but be who you are in the most expected way. You’ll need this so you remember who you are. There will be some work shifts this week and I don’t want anyone to think they can knock you down. You may want to apologize but give it a minute. You might not have to.
Dude. When I tell you you’re better than this, I mean it wholeheartedly. Everything is breakthrough in the coming month so no resting on laurels or once good memories. It’s all going forward. No stepping back to fix something that you know broke a long time ago.
Take a second look at your health this week. Get ready like an athlete. Fine tune. Floss. Check for hernias. There’s a rise in all activity this week and next. Be ready.
You and your simmering stare. Make sure you speak and emote and make some grand gestures along the way. You may be kicking yourself if you’re not letting your inner salesman come out.
Money. MUH-KNEE. It makes the world go around. It also needs a place to land. Clean up your financial issues. It may be having to walk through your fears but this is a good time to face the weirdness and give your self grace.
Wow. Expect watching the mighty of the past fall this week. Maybe this month. High school bully? You’ll probably see them on a dating app looking rough. Worst ex ever? Oh you’ll run into them at their lowest. This isn’t a time to revel in it but it is a time to be kind and know that you have every right to feel like a good old human.
Gosh, you’re weird and I speak to dead people for a living. This week though, you are so HUMAN. You are GROUNDED like any other sign. Is this good? You bet it is. Your communication skills are prime this week. Get in all negotiations before the mothership comes back.
Watch the eyes this week, fishes. Health wise, vision wise. There’s a sense and sensitivity to all things color, view of the world and ocular health. See clearly.
Thank you for coming to my astrological TedTalk. I’ll see you next week!