I was on a call today with a scout for podcasts. I was recommended for her to call for a scary storytelling podcast.
She asked me to tell the best story I had. Off the top of my head I brought up the one that I tell the most—-the one about the most haunted house I’ve ever cleansed. It was also the first space I cleansed that wasn’t my own.
It’s a good story. It’s got a lot of good elements without the presence of a dead body. The scout said “Oh my god. I’m thousands of miles away from you (Uganda) and I’m sitting here not wanting to look behind me!” I told her that as a psychic medium, she can trust me when I tell her that she is fine. No aggressive energies around her.
“How do you do it? How do you constantly walk into spaces and deal with it?”
It was a good question.
and one thing I’ve found is that those energies are just left over from those that lived previously. The energy that you can feel is one that you understand. That’s why some people walk into a room and feel nothing but others will immediately feel uncomfortable for no apparent reason.
I told her that now when I walk into a space and I can clearly feel an energy (or many energies) I just say hello. Communication is everything. Even with the dead.
Speaking of the dead, I’ll be at Barrow’s Intense for Spirited Away on December 13th. It’s a fabulous event full of talented readers. I’ll be doing a group reading. 12 ppl. Sign up now!