Limerence is defined as “a state of mind which results from romantic feelings for another person, and typically includes intrusive, melancholic thoughts, or tragic concerns for the object of one's affection as well as a desire to form or maintain a relationship with the object of love and to have one's feelings reciprocated”—-when they are not.
On a more down to earth, two friends talking kind of way, it’s when you’re obsessed with someone. It may come across as too intense of a crush and go as far as a complete overtaking of thought.
When I look up what to do about it, the internet seems to uncharacteristically be quite consistent with its prescription. No contact. When in readings, it always comes up as an unearthing of an old trauma. The neglect of childhood. The trigger of a first unhealthy romantic relationship. It is never due to the object of desire but it sure reads like it’s designed by our brains to make us feel as small and as panicked as possible.
When faced with limerence making itself apparent in a reading, it is one of the more emotional moments I’m involved with during my work. It’s one of those experiences everybody thinks they hide well. Obsession. The overriding feeling of not being enough.
I have to say, it’s not the easiest to read through limerence. There is always a way out of the energetic storm, though. In the midst of reading there’s always a shift that shows the highlights of the clients life in real time—-Meaning where they should look for relief even though limerence rarely allows anyone a sense that it could be.
Limerence is one of the times I really experience resistance and/or desperation from a client. I noticed some time ago that when I picked up this energy, I often picked up ADHD as well. Upon further investigation—-via Google, social media and the few doctors that will work with me—I found that this ADHD/Limerence connection was very much a thing.
Just like anything else, what sometimes brings us to psychics and their brethren is the want for the feelings to stop, a way to look at something differently or the knowledge that the plan in place really is for our highest and best good.
ARIES- sometimes when the going gets tough it’s just best to leave the party. Aries, please. An Irish good-bye is your best bet this week. You can play with matches at a later date.
TAURUS- when you can’t decide what to do this week, make the money. If you feel that it’s to the detriment of other things, it might not be at all. Cash it in.
GEMINI- no. I don’t think you should play fast and loose with their emotions. This week there’s going to be a tendency to forget that you have feelings too—and sensitive ones. People are mirrors. Be nice.
CANCER- baby, baby, baby. Don’t take those that built you up for granted. Just because you take care of people really well doesn’t mean you make that ego part of your personality. Tend to your crops.
LEO- welcome to your season. All your best talents this week will be on display with plenty of reasons to shine. Enjoy and remember for next week. Next week is about filing and numbers.
VIRGO- rest. Rejuvenate. It may take longer than you think but it’ll be worth it. You’re supposed to be moving a bit in slo-mo right now——largely because this fall will be off like a rocket.
LIBRA-buy books. Challenge the mind and what you know to be good for it even though you might be feeling the uninspired vibes of summer (for my friends in the other hemisphere, it’s the snuggle vibes of winter). Challenge your own intelligence so it can grow.
SCORPIO-yes, we all love you. No, we don’t want to leave you alone in a car in the heat. Please conserve your energy and rest easy. You have good things coming in quietly. No big hurrahs. The quiet does not mean desolation. It means love.
SAGITTARIUS-just a heads up: a lot of stuff you thought other people should deal with is going to be bubbling up soon. Does that sound like a burden? It’s actually an opportunity to show yourself how amazing you are. You have to opportunity to kill on this one. You’re fine. See you next week.
CAPRICORN-OH YOU. I see you. Wallow in the accomplishments this week. Take an inventory of everything you’ve done from buying toilet paper to surviving your family. Your space of pride is your safe space right now. The rose colored tint is where you should stay for about a year. It’ll help you through the parts that are great but you think they won’t be (aka self sabotage)
AQUARIUS-High time you went through the attic, the old wallets, the garage, the files. A number of messages, receipts and memories are looking to help you out and make sure you don’t totally f*$k it up.
PISCES-the inner core of iron. The will of a remotely successful world leader. The stubborn temper of a teenage in an after school special. Now is the summer of your raging inner discontent. The good news is that it will remind you that you are alive and full of fire even as you swim in the angst filled waters.
Also, listen to my podcast