I have a bunch of new followers. Hey all! Thanks for joining me. I thought it would be interesting to show you the predictions I published in November 2019. As 2020 will live in infamy and enough time has gone by to be able to see it clearly—hindsight 20/20 and all that—you can see what we experienced.
I haven’t read it in a few years but even more than the vaccine issues, I was surprised by the burning of streets in the twin cities.
This was published on my mailing list. I cut and pasted so you could see the date of publication. This was the first time I made world predictions publicly. As you can imagine I was quite nervous. The things I was channeling felt insane. But alas, the universe didn’t disappoint.
Here we go. 2020 is around the corner.
This is what it'll look like.
For those new to me, hi. I channel the predications that I write. Please keep this around and refer to it again after time goes by. Like maybe January 2021. See how it plays out. How what you think one thing is ends up being something else completely.
Thank you to everyone.
Happy New Year.
You're awesome.
Here we go:
Little chance you'll be able to see the difference from this year to next year as it happens.
Sure the year will be different but that definitive seam we feel between the start and end of happy new year will be almost invisible.
A lot of “why isn’t anything happening”
A bit more doldrums due to the lack of definition.
That middle to third week of January will start the unrecognizable flip née Salvatore Dali type impression we’re about to walk into.
It’s world wide.
If you follow the news of the world you’ll see that those keeping low will be jumping from the bushes. Expect political surprises on multiple government levels.
Think bigger scandals on judicial as well as local levels. We'll be able to clearly see what's been distracting us from the real issues this time around. If you've noticed, we haven't mastered that yet.
ALSO, if you want to know what might happen in your country
watch for other countries missteps. We'll be mirroring each other more than ever.
Fascinating part of this is that those that stick to old habits will all have the same track to run on.
(For an example of how not to do this, check Finland)
Watch the old guard try to clean up the mess of older guards. That’s how it reads.
It sounds obvious I know but remember the powerful nations of the world are still under the impression that they've got how to run a government down pat despite all the hoo-ha we've been going through.
You think Brexit was a surprise? Just wait.
On personal levels,
when we separate ourselves from what we’re supposed to believe,
work, life quality and creativity soar in ways no one expects.
Think of the creative explosions of the 60s, 70s and 80s.
When the skies turn dark, art is the release.
We'll be seeing artists come forward in ways we haven't seen in a while.
Not "influencers" or YouTube stars but full on creativity as in paint to canvas, cloth to wall, foot to stage.
It's recommended that you start going headlong into remembering what your creative outlet is now.
I’m a firm believer in the gifts of both eastern and western medicine but careful now.
ALSO: those that find that creativity in them will understand how to make business work despite the political financial climate. Write that down.
There are going to be huge shake ups with new vaccinations.
Pushed too quickly into the public forum but needed. Ones that are “new and important “ for things we are told exist will prove consequential. Go with what you already know. A literal war between pharma.
For all big business moves this year, go deep to correct what’s wrong in the foundation.
There’s no “getting by” in 2020.
Do the right thing. Build brick by brick. Check your numbers. Don’t do things because “he/she said so”. (This kind of year would never birth the fast and furious tech explosion at the birth of our new industries.)
Find out all facts for yourself. Foundation and birth of the correct culture is what will feed you.
Things get loopy this year.
The more receptive, creative and easily satisfied by beauty will do best.
For those in the business of art/the arts, and this includes those making money from creating art, there will be an interesting trend that will seem to gently bend the business back toward honest talent. This is interesting to explain because largely "trends" don't help in that direction but the clues come directly from said trends so if you don't pay into trends and trending, please keep an eye on these things. It will help you and give you "freedom recently unhad."
A friend asked me recently if I could read if there was
"a reason for HOPE amid all our division, fear, and ignorance?"
And when I channel, there definitely is.
(when not channelling I'm more than questioning this)
In the next two years there will be something that holds the energy of a full on coup.
Not in a "storming the castle" kind of way but a huge, ball busting demand that will be done by
removing the behind the scenes movers and shakers
AS WELL AS the politicians that have just remained complicit.
On all sides of every aisle.
We will see activists and community organizers making not just demands but more
like "moving demands" which reads more like kicking people out of office through any means necessary aside from illegal or violent.
Think more finding the loophole and kicking them out.
There will be an aggressive and successful push toward the right side of history.
We'll see a lot of powerful people (tech, corporate, finance) jump ship, hide or swear publicly
they aren't racist/sexist/thieves and then step down and almost disappear.
It will be surprising who these people are.
The people to watch for are community organizers, leaders in the minority communities and more subversive thinkers....BUT I'M TALKING ABOUT THE MAGNETIC, POWERFUL, NARCISSISTIC ONES THAT DON'T REALLY DO WHAT IS NEEDED.
We'll see those that swear to one party but continue to support the other.
Where we get our leaders from will change enormously in the next two years.
We'll see the extreme brush strokes soon.
This will clean the slate for the citizens doing the real work.
It's going to be a fascinating time to watch.
For those actively involved, it will be very emotional. Please remember to rest.
Activism can trigger trauma when not done in the proper doses.
This is the year the people will begin to speak and it will ride into the next three years.
Climate wise we'll begin to really see differences in wild life.
How they migrate will now become apparent to those who don't even follow such things.
It will bring change to how and where we decide to live.
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