When I didn't know what to do next for business, I made it up as I went along.
I know it sounds like I should know astrology but I usually leave it to my astrology cohorts. As I like to say, leave it to the pros.
Creating content is not easy. It takes a lot of time. A lot of creative inspiration. And if you’re creating content to support an already running business, holy moly.
I started channelling horoscopes on the social media outlets. My followers were already used to my style and my home was that presenting myself more on video would bump up my numbers. I should tell you, channelling horoscopes was an idea that I held onto for a few years until it make sense in my head. Channelling has NEVER led me down the wrong road. Channelled writing even more so.
And so every week I wake up in the middle of the night (which I would be doing anyway. Around 3am to be precise.) channel a few lines per sign and go back to bed. Then on Wednesday morning I make the video and post it. A good part of the time I have to psych myself up to do it. Once I’m doing it I really enjoy myself.
The channeling is satisfying and it reminds me why I’ve dedicated my life to this work. That damn time before it is just filled with me driving myself crazy. Dead people or not, entrepreneurship is rough inside your head.
Speaking of dead people I have a Spooky Season Special. 30 mins/$190. If you’ve never had a reading with me, that’s a good amount of time for a lot of information.
Also, the Psychic Pool Party is going like gangbusters. This weeks episode is with Willie Whitehead Jr, former defensive lineman for the New Orleans Saints turned energy healer. We have five episodes out now. Check us out. And if you really dig it and just cannot wait for each week, feel free to subscribe and binge.